Let me show you how I make $34.000 per year by creating micro online courses that only take 3 hours to complete
Get your copy before Price Rises

Product Launching 2022 brings you the way to increase your mail list the proper way.
Learn how to launch your own products
Use the tools I’ve created along the years and I’m offering you for downloading.
Learn how to create a product and the things that you need to take care of.
Increase your online reputation so every future action has the right pay back.
Take notes and ideas from the three interviews with monster vendors that I set ready for you.

Not only this, as long as you keep working on this and launching proper products, you will be able to use your own list of buyers to send information, tips and of course, promos from your partner’s products.
2 First days after sending a promo to my 230 emails list

2 First days after sending a promo to my 623 emails list

Here’s the Deal
Most Sales Pages that you see have a % of “blindness”. They tell you that have discovered a “secret” or a “hint” that will make you rich in a matter of hours.
The reality in most of the cases is that they’re not telling exactly what’s all about. They like to sell promises, and I have to say, they sell, of course they do but the refunds rate is crazy and they are barely sell again these kind of products or increase their reputation.
I rather prefer to do a White Sales Copy for you, telling exactly what are you going to find when you do the purchase.
I want you to trust me, I want to teach you. There’s another way for Online Marketing. I want to show you what you get, right now, no blindness.
Tired of launching products and get less than 25 sales, or even 0?
This is what I’m offering to you.
Get your copy before Price Rises

Video Training that I recorded myself, covering:
- First Thoughts when planning a product launching. Types of products. TO-DO list. How to contact affiliates.
- Planning the copy for the sales copy. Using A.I. to write the content. AIDA and 9 steps techniques for copywriting.
- Getting traffic, type of traffic. JV Page. Launching day.
- Final Launching steps. Techniques and what to do to improve sales.
- After Launch and conclusion.
Three full interviews to three Masters of Online Marketing
List of Facebook Groups for promoting launches
- The exact list that I use when I’m launching a product.
- You can also check your partners or competitors, see what they are up to.
Math tools
- Sales simulator. Want to know how many units you will sell?
- Launch Investment Calculator: Get the best price for your upcoming launch, and see how much you will earn.
To Do List
- What things do you need to know when launching, with this list, you will not forget anything.
30 Swipes for 30 weeks
- I know how people struggles through sending emails to their lists. This is the exact follow up series that I built myself for people to trust you. This is not done in 3 days, this is a long journey, but before 30 weeks or even before, they’ll love you.
Videos on how to use everything
- Added to the training videos, I recorded more of them about how to handle Swipes, the To-Do List and how to write a proper Sales copy.
Get your copy before Price Rises
What Do You Know That I DON´T?
I know what you’re thinking – “what can this guy just teach me about Launching Products?”
Well, first of all, I had the chance of working and being instructed by 3 of the biggest vendors and affiliates in the scene.
Through their advice, I’ve managed to launch products, earn money and have a healthy and growing list of buyers.
I’ve been doing instructional videos since 2011 and I know how to show information, and that’s exactly what I have done here.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll find inside:
And this is how my lists are engaging:

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Just follow these three steps.

Follow the training, download all the assets and get ready to rock

Well, I warned you, there is no “magic push button and the money starts to rain”, so you HAVE to take action, otherwise, just leave this page.

Rinse and Repeat as I do, as your list grows and your online presence gets bigger, you will evolve in Online Marketing
Get your copy before Price Rises

I’ve launched in the past, but nothing worked?
Welcome to reality!. But now, when you follow my steps, you will be able to grow your list and rise your online reputation
What if I have no list?
Having an engaged list is the foundation of your business, follow the training and take action. I also started with a zero list.
What if I have doubts during the process?
You’ll have access to a private Facebook Group where I’ll be solving problems and guiding.


Access to all videos and all tips that I’ve been using to succeed online!
Full interviews with three monsters of online marketing
The tools I use every time I make a launching, what to expect, how to consider different factors. This is the real thing!
The exact list I use everytime I want I programme a launch, you need this because you need to be organized.
The follow up series that I use and how I use it to keep my list alive and engaged.
I’m offering as a bonus, more tools that I use on my online business and will make things easy for you.
Get your copy before Price Rises

But that’s not all…
I’m so confident with Product Launching 2022 can help you grow your list and get paid and also grow your online reputation, that I want to eliminate the risk of purchasing something that you regret.
Look, I’m so confident in this product that if you don’t find it to be amazing, if you’re not 100% satisfied with your results after spending 30 days with it, then we will GLADLY refund your money, based on the taking action rule.
Invest with Confidence!
Plus, If You Order Right Now, You Get These 4 BONUSES for Free

I programmed this software and launched in Warrior+ and it was a rush!
With this, you get all the information and training you will need to maintain your list healthy, will know how to get more leads and how to keep your emails out of the spam box.
This is a monthly payment software, but as I have full control over it, I can offer it to you as a Bonus.

My friend, there is a great way to get leads right with this tool.
You’re going to be surprised not just about the tool itself, but the complete training about how to elevate your Youtube channel to new levels!
Be sure to turn off all notifications and distractions and take notes while watching these videos. Directly explained by 2 experienced Youtubers with more than 32.000 and 100.000 subscribers.

I wrote this software myself a few months ago and launched with sooo many mistakes… (The same mistakes I fix in this training).
This is going to help you if you are devoted to Launch Jacking and maybe it can bring you a couple of ideas about how this kinda products work.

Through Skype, Zoom, Teams or even Whatsapp call. Ask me about your doubts. Do it before digging into the product or just before and we’ll see what’s your best option.
I wish I could have a small talk with some Online Marketer when I started, this is my way of saying “I’m here for you and I want you to succeed”
This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before They’re All Gone
Yep, a little bit of scarcity here, I’ll rise the price as long as the launching is over, so maybe this is your best chance to get this and start changing the way you approach Online Marketing.
Don’t Be Like Me & Miss Out Again
I’ve seen so many people trying to get into Online Marketing and watching deceiving launches, really bad presentations, awful emails, that I have to do something about it.
I like to be in a place with great colleagues, happy customers and where people takes action.
I’ve spent thousands in coaches and in bad launches just to learn what has to be done to grow my business.
Let me be your guide.
After completing your order, you’ll have direct access to Product Launching 2022. You will have access to the Facebook group and the interviews, as long as the tools that I use.

Jorge Vila

Use Product Launching 2022 for 30 Days as taught and if you do not see results, contact us for a full refund. All that we ask is that you have actually used the training and tools as directed and have taken action
Look, I’m so confident in this product that if you don’t find it to be amazing, if you’re not 100% satisfied with your results after spending 30 days with it, then we will GLADLY refund your money, based on the taking action rule.
Invest with Confidence!

Support Magic in this product
World Class Support System is linked in this product for you to make questions, solving doubts and make any comment.
Forget about sending e-mails to a “hope-you-read-it-sometime” e-mail.
This is an online system and a community for Q&A ready for SEO, for solving problems and ready to ROCK!
Contact us with any questions that you may have before or after purchase!
Product Launching’s official support desk
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