Regardless of whether you have a list of 100 people or 1 million, it’s crucial to keep improving your open and click-through rates.
It always depends on the niche you’re in and the frequency of your emails, but as a rule of thumb, I follow this approach.
If someone hasn’t opened an email in the last 30-45 days, move them to a new list called ‘non-openers’.
Plan to send at least two emails to this new list and set it up so that when they open or click, they’re automatically moved back to the ‘openers’ list. Consider adding a nice incentive, like a gift, to sweeten the deal.
Here’s an example email
I’ve noticed you haven’t been opening my emails, so maybe you’re not interested in staying on my list.
No worries, I send out useful content from time to time, but I completely get it if you’ve decided you don’t want to hear from me anymore.
It’s a shame, but you know, people go their own way sometimes, and that’s totally okay!
Anyway, if you want to stay on my list, just click this link. No hard feelings!
If you don’t resubscribe, I’ll remove you from the list.
It’s been great having you on board!
Have a fantastic week!
Best, Jorge
As subject, use something real like “Are you avoiding opening my emails?” or something like that
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