Search Questions

Purchased LeadMagnetIQ didn’t receive Bundle

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 16/07/2024 15:17
User: Javier
Hi, I Purchased LeadMagnetIQ didn’t receive Bundle I only received the front end only having issues with payment processors only received one receipt as proof of purchase

How acquire white label product The B Garage %100 percent

Related to: The B Garage
Date: 16/07/2024 08:09
User: Danny R Brooks
confused I sent in information pertaining to W+ ID, should their be a link of some kind since it's on Warrior Plus that would be a link to product with my W+ link to me as a White label product to provide to my customer ? I was told to complete profile and it would then be their confusing
This is my W+ ID /o2/a/zxjz9y/0
Thanks Danny Brooks

It's time to Get 100% in the funnel (except Traffic).
You get 50% and recurring 5% in Traffic (Oto3)
You also get 60% in the Bundle.

So you need to send an email to with your W+ ID so I can upgrade your user.

The user will be upgraded once the launch is over. 23th april 2024.


In Step 2 I am unable to find any of the autoloaded emails

Related to: General Question
Date: 01/07/2024 21:42
User: Yaz

I just joined today. I was going through the steps and I followed the directions step by step. I was going through step two and it said the emails were loaded. But I can't find them anywhere in getresponse. I'm not sure if it's a glitch thing or I missed something. Can anyone help?

Upgrade not showing yet

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 25/06/2024 13:34
User: Timothy Roberts
Hello I just recently joined and have committed to the $47 upgrade upon purchase but it does not show I have. It still is offered as an upgrade. I have finished all 4 steps and wanted that 48 hour upgrade push to start seeing some movement so I can learn quicker.. Can you please tell me what to expect upon it unlocking and also what my next steps would be? Only area I can see is to create an affiliate web page? Is that something I have to do to start or thats something I should do once I am going?

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 25/06/2024 13:34
User: Kheadley
I want to check out of the evolution system. I am already paying $47 a month for it, so I don't want to be committed to a system like Get Response and their particular prices and what ever else goes with this, plus I would need a new domain name and the pricing on all of this just seem too tricky. I want out. please cancel my subscription or membership. Names I used was Kheadley or Click bank order number is P6ZVZ5XE. ordered 6/1/2024. please cancel. thank you so much


Related to: Affiliate Commission Machine
Date: 25/06/2024 13:33
User: Rae
I have done the steps but I cannot see the emails in Get Response and in step 4 it remains inactive

Cannot find Warriorplus link under the Video

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:02
User: Ali Ridha
HI Jorge,

I cannot find the Warriorplus link for Evolution under Video 3. Step - 3.1 - Warrior Plus Setup.
Can you please help me ASAP? Thanks.

Ali Ridha

The Evolution System Done For You

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:02
User: Loren Cardin
I wanted to resend my support ticket to make sure it went through. I purchased the upgrade for the Evolution System and it is still showing as an upgrade. I just wanted to make sure that it is going to work. Thanks.


Purchased Done For You in Evolution and cannot access

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:02
User: Loren Cardin
Hi, I purchased the Evolution System and I cannot access the Done For You upgrade and the payment has gone through on my end. Thanks

Loren Cardin

Re: Earlier Question About Spam

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:01
User: Ross Taylor
Hi Jorge,

In my last question you didn’t answer regarding the comment by Getresponse Support ie,

Note: not sure if you're aware, but you have 6 messages configured to be delivered on day 0, which means all new contacts will receive 6 messages in 24 hours. This can be considered as spam and lead to a very high unsubscribe rate.


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