Watch Question

My Domain

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 26/07/2024 06:12
User: Lorne
I'm setting up my first campaign with Lead Magnet.I bought a domain yesterday that I also set up with an email for my autoresponder. I'd like to have my opt-in link as the domain URL.

Is it easier to change things at namecheap, or contact you, as mentioned in the resources section? I do want to keep using the email account connected with it.


Date: 25/07/2024 17:07
User: Jorge Vila
Not sure if I understand everything here. you got a domain to use it for the traffic, am I right?
So you just need to follow Demetris training to connect the dots!
Any doubt don't hesitate contact me!
Date: 25/07/2024 17:26
User: Lorne
I have a domain I want to use for the traffic that goes to my opt in page.
Date: 25/07/2024 17:49
User: Jorge Vila
Perfect, then you just need to follow Demetris videos!
Date: 26/07/2024 06:12
User: Lorne
Respuesta Aprobada
I was looking at the wrong videos. Found the right one now.
Hopefully, it's all worked. I'm just waiting for the name servers to get updated.


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