Watch Question

Getting Access Error

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 26/07/2024 06:11
User: Tracy Brinkmann
(not sure why last ticket was closed as i am still not able to get back in)
I signed on yesterday and everything was working great. I tried to sign back on this morning to continue watching the training videos and I am getting "Access Error"
I tried doing a password reset - which worked successfully. Attempted to sign in with the new reset password and still got the "Access Error" message.

email i am signing in with is:

I purchased the front end commercial Payment Id: EP-HTD4G5WCZADMM2WZN
and fast pass Payment Id: EP-HHIM3OLSRP9WY3BJJ


Date: 22/07/2024 14:19
User: Jorge Vila
Hi Tracy;

After a few days of no response we close the tickets, but we still look for more tickets, like this one.
I think I've found the problem with your user, when you updated it, somehow the system deactivated your user. Now it should be working fine. Please login and let me know.

Date: 22/07/2024 17:29
User: Tracy Brinkmann
Awesome thank you for figuring it out. I am now able to sign in YAY
one last concern. as I pull up the website and all the pages in it, I keep getting this errror message from Norton
I am able to say "accept risk" but it seems like something you might want to fix... yes?

Dangerous Web Page Blocked
You attempted to access
This is a known dangerous webpage. It is highly recommended that you do NOT visit this page.
VisitNortonto learn more about phishing and internet security.
Date: 26/07/2024 06:11
User: Jorge Vila
Respuesta Aprobada
Yes, I'm aware of that. It's just a false positive.
I can tell you, if it was really infected, google didn't allow you to even get close to that.
Hope that will be erased in a few days, only Norton is detectong, not any other antivirus!

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