Search Questions

Need password to LeadMagnet QI is not in spam

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 17/07/2024 07:31
User: Danny R Brooks
Product: LeadMagnet IQ - OTO1 - Fast Pass Bundle Deal
Price: $247.00
Thanks DannyBrooks

Please, Cancel my OTO3 (Buyer Traffic) Subscription

Related to: The B Garage
Date: 17/07/2024 07:31
User: Sammy Ezeh
Please, cancel my The B Garage OTO3 (Buyer Traffic) Subscription.

Thanks for your support.



Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 17/07/2024 07:31
User: Will Porter
I'm on your lead Magna IQ page. When you click to order it shows you the two packages but there isn't a buy button for either and the only buy button there is when you click it it takes through to ClickBank to order something called trafficking Which is not the lead magnet, IQ and a completely different price

I'm not sure why send an email out promoting a product when there's no buy button to be able to purchase that leads you to the product that you're advertising

Can you please advise?

LeadMagnet IQ training videos not working

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 16/07/2024 16:43
User: Dave
The training videos in my LeadMagnet IQ account are not working. When I click on the play button nothing happens. Please advise for assistance. Thank you.

Purchased LeadMagnetIQ didn’t receive Bundle

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 16/07/2024 15:17
User: Javier
Hi, I Purchased LeadMagnetIQ didn’t receive Bundle I only received the front end only having issues with payment processors only received one receipt as proof of purchase

How acquire white label product The B Garage %100 percent

Related to: The B Garage
Date: 16/07/2024 08:09
User: Danny R Brooks
confused I sent in information pertaining to W+ ID, should their be a link of some kind since it's on Warrior Plus that would be a link to product with my W+ link to me as a White label product to provide to my customer ? I was told to complete profile and it would then be their confusing
This is my W+ ID /o2/a/zxjz9y/0
Thanks Danny Brooks

It's time to Get 100% in the funnel (except Traffic).
You get 50% and recurring 5% in Traffic (Oto3)
You also get 60% in the Bundle.

So you need to send an email to with your W+ ID so I can upgrade your user.

The user will be upgraded once the launch is over. 23th april 2024.


In Step 2 I am unable to find any of the autoloaded emails

Related to: General Question
Date: 01/07/2024 21:42
User: Yaz

I just joined today. I was going through the steps and I followed the directions step by step. I was going through step two and it said the emails were loaded. But I can't find them anywhere in getresponse. I'm not sure if it's a glitch thing or I missed something. Can anyone help?

Upgrade not showing yet

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 25/06/2024 13:34
User: Timothy Roberts
Hello I just recently joined and have committed to the $47 upgrade upon purchase but it does not show I have. It still is offered as an upgrade. I have finished all 4 steps and wanted that 48 hour upgrade push to start seeing some movement so I can learn quicker.. Can you please tell me what to expect upon it unlocking and also what my next steps would be? Only area I can see is to create an affiliate web page? Is that something I have to do to start or thats something I should do once I am going?

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 25/06/2024 13:34
User: Kheadley
I want to check out of the evolution system. I am already paying $47 a month for it, so I don't want to be committed to a system like Get Response and their particular prices and what ever else goes with this, plus I would need a new domain name and the pricing on all of this just seem too tricky. I want out. please cancel my subscription or membership. Names I used was Kheadley or Click bank order number is P6ZVZ5XE. ordered 6/1/2024. please cancel. thank you so much


Related to: Affiliate Commission Machine
Date: 25/06/2024 13:33
User: Rae
I have done the steps but I cannot see the emails in Get Response and in step 4 it remains inactive

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