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REQUEST - Personal JV Access to KDP AI Cracked

Related to: General Question
Date: 02/09/2024 19:33
User: James Milo
Hey dpapa,

I’m excited to promote KDP AI Cracked to the 300+ members of my rapidly growing private Facebook group
“AI Marketing and Sales Software."

They are all KNOWN buyers of online products and digital services.

I also have a mailing list of 17,200+ subscribers.

Can you please provide me Full personal review access (NOT general JV access) so I can use my own personal
login details and showcase FE and OTOs to my members and subscribers on a couple LIVE webinars?
>> They want to see me using what I recommend to them and ask questions about the OTOs during my LIVE

Thank you!
W+ jamesmilo

PS Also sent you a connection request on LinkedIn but have yet to hear from you.


Date: 02/09/2024 09:33
User: Jorge Vila
Hi James;
This kind of request must be driven right to Dpapa. If you contacted him, he will be back to you ASAP
Date: 02/09/2024 17:31
User: James Milo

He does NOT answer his messages on LinkedIn.

How else can i contact him directly?

Can you PLEASE just forward my request to him ASAP? The launch is TODAY and I have no access to show anything on my scheduled LIVE webinars.

Date: 02/09/2024 18:20
User: Jorge Vila
Hi James;
In fact the launching was last August 31, not TODAY.
You can find Dpapa in Facebook. If he's not responding, it's up to him, maybe you can send him your sales track record if he doesn't know you.
Date: 02/09/2024 19:33
User: James Milo
Respuesta Aprobada
Thanks for your help, Jorge.

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