Watch Question

LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 2 - DFY Suite

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 02/09/2024 19:35
User: Francisco Javier Moreno Cantu
I bougth the IQ Lead Magnet OTO2 and I have one doubt.

I think that the 20 DFY CB Offers are inside the DFY Suit section (I don't found any special section where I can access the specific OTO I bought) , but in the OTO2 salespage it says that we get ready made emails for that offer but I dont found any of them.

Where can I found them? or are the emails inside the DFY PLRs?

Here are the details of my purchase:

Purchase Details:
Product: LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 2 - DFY Suite
Price: $27.00
Payment Id: EP-4BC0S2Y00IU2N22HC
For product support contact: or


Date: 02/09/2024 19:35
User: Jorge Vila
Respuesta Aprobada
Hi Francisco;
I'm currently contacting my partner regarding this.
We're currently on vacation so it might take some time to get an answer!
I'm here to help!

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