Watch Question

Upgrade not showing yet

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 25/06/2024 13:34
User: Timothy Roberts
Hello I just recently joined and have committed to the $47 upgrade upon purchase but it does not show I have. It still is offered as an upgrade. I have finished all 4 steps and wanted that 48 hour upgrade push to start seeing some movement so I can learn quicker.. Can you please tell me what to expect upon it unlocking and also what my next steps would be? Only area I can see is to create an affiliate web page? Is that something I have to do to start or thats something I should do once I am going?


Date: 06/06/2024 07:00
User: Jorge Vila
Hi Timothy;
The upgrades are ready as soon as you purchase them.
There are several upgrades, I would like to know which one of them so I can help you out.
Please contact me through so I can personaly assist you.
Date: 06/06/2024 19:21
User: Timothy Roberts
I will send you an email but basically it was the $47 upgrade to launch right away? not exactly sure as it didnt explain what that entails, but instead of the $3 I paid $50 after tax.. I will email you from
Date: 25/06/2024 13:34
User: Jorge Vila
Respuesta Aprobada
Ok, send me an email please!

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