Watch Question


Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 17/07/2024 07:31
User: Will Porter
I'm on your lead Magna IQ page. When you click to order it shows you the two packages but there isn't a buy button for either and the only buy button there is when you click it it takes through to ClickBank to order something called trafficking Which is not the lead magnet, IQ and a completely different price

I'm not sure why send an email out promoting a product when there's no buy button to be able to purchase that leads you to the product that you're advertising

Can you please advise?


Date: 17/07/2024 07:31
User: Jorge Vila
Respuesta Aprobada
Hi Will!;

IQ Lead Magnet opens it's doors in 2 hours. By that time the buttons will be working correctly! Now it's maybe showing some cached link, so don't worry, the linkis will be right in no time!
Thanks for your interest!

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