Watch Question

How acquire white label product The B Garage %100 percent

Related to: The B Garage
Date: 16/07/2024 08:09
User: Danny R Brooks
confused I sent in information pertaining to W+ ID, should their be a link of some kind since it's on Warrior Plus that would be a link to product with my W+ link to me as a White label product to provide to my customer ? I was told to complete profile and it would then be their confusing
This is my W+ ID /o2/a/zxjz9y/0
Thanks Danny Brooks

It's time to Get 100% in the funnel (except Traffic).
You get 50% and recurring 5% in Traffic (Oto3)
You also get 60% in the Bundle.

So you need to send an email to with your W+ ID so I can upgrade your user.

The user will be upgraded once the launch is over. 23th april 2024.



Date: 08/07/2024 08:05
User: Jorge Vila
Hi Danny;
What I need to upgrade you is your W+ ID, it¡s the little name in red when you are in the page, top right. "/o2/a/zxjz9y/0 " This is just part of the affiliate link actually. It's not what I need
then ask to promote The B Garage, then send me an email to so I can upgrade you to whitelabel user, so you get the most of every sale you make.
Date: 08/07/2024 08:33
User: Danny R Brooks
I hope this is correct only thing I see in red when logging in is [ danny brooks ]
Date: 08/07/2024 23:41
User: Danny R Brooks
I hope this is correct only thing I see in red box when logging in is [ danny brooks ]
Date: 16/07/2024 08:09
User: Jorge Vila
Respuesta Aprobada
Top red right button once you have logged in

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