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Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:01
User: Ray Asper
After clicking on the FB button to join, FB says the info isn't available for registering with your FB site.
Ray Asper

Evolution Done For You

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:01
User: Loren Cardin
I need a refund on the Evolution Done For You. It is the day before my 14 day trial ends and I still haven't gotten approved to promote the Empire and the Surf Side profits as well as the Traffic Product.


Thankyou message when someone purchases

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:01
User: Ross Taylor
Hi Jorge,

When one of my contacts purchases Evolution they should get a thankyou message from me. Where is that message and how can I personalize it?


My own Bonuses

Related to: The B Garage
Date: 07/06/2024 11:01
User: Graham Howarth
I'm creating some new bonuses(I have the upgrade) to add to my first campaign. One of the fields is "text for delivery" Could you explain at which point in the process does the customer see that description?

Auto Responder sequence

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 07/06/2024 11:01
User: Janith
Hi Jorge,

Sorry to bother you again.

Apart from the emails going to spam. I also noticed another thing. I think the sequence on emails is not correct. The first email was sent to me, I am not sure whether my email was on their list or whether they sent me a test email.

I am going to type the email subjects in the exact email sequence which appeared in my inbox

1. 8.09 pm - May 24,2024- [24 hours ONLY] done-for-you 3,862/month system

2. 11:01 pm - May 24, 2024 - [Only 18 hours left] this 1-click traffic system makes 3,862 per month

3. 11:01pm - May 24, 2024 - [6 hours only] Set & forget system for making 3,862/month

4. 11.01pm - May 24, 2024 - [1 hour left] Last chance to get the 3,862/month set&forget system

5. 11.01pm - May 24, 2024 - [12 hours remaining] get this done-for-you system

6. 11.11pm - May 24, 2024 - [2 hours - last chance] 3,862/month done-for-you system

How can i fix this ? I don't think, this is how the emails should be going out.

Thank you

Janith Fernando

Affiliate Link

Related to: The B Garage
Date: 28/05/2024 18:26
User: Beverly Taylor
The link to get an affiliate link doesn't work:

This is below the video in Your First Sale.

I would like an affiliate link. My WarriorPlus Account ID is: 679908

Thank you,
Beverly Taylor

Affiliate Link

Related to: The B Garage
Date: 28/05/2024 18:26
User: Beverly Taylor
The link to get an affiliate link doesn't work:

This is below the video in Your First Sale.

I would like an affiliate link. My WarriorPlus Account ID is: 679908

Thank you,
Beverly Taylor

Emails on Autoresponder

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 28/05/2024 11:36
User: Janith
Hi Jorge,

Thank you for answering my previous question. Just got a few more.

1. As you suggested, I did send a test email on the opt in page and I sent it to another gmail account of mine, but however it went directly to the spam folder. Also my "from" email is gmail. How can I fix this ? I do not want to spend so much money purchasing traffic and it going directly to their spam.

2. I do see when I log on to autoresponder that two emails have been sent out. How can I see to whom I have sent these so I can make my own email list ?

3. There is no reason for me to open up a Qliker account and pay a subscription, when I can track through the link the that was provided to my by Solo Monkey correct ?

Thank you

Tracking Leads

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 25/05/2024 15:18
User: Janith
Hi Jorge,

I have followed all the steps and I have purchased the leads from Solo Monkey.

How can I make sure the leads are getting sent and see the conversion rate ? Do I get access to the email list so I can keep building my email list ?

Also Solo Monkey mentioned a tool called Qliker for me to track, I signed up on the trial but I have no idea how to connect it and where to connect and not even sure whether I need it.

Please help me out.

Thank you

Janith Fernando

Evolution System - Auto Responder - no CC and improper email make it impossible to set up.

Related to: The Evolution System
Date: 16/05/2024 09:35
User: Timothy Henry
I have a very simple, complicated situation and need to know the quickest solution possible - if there is one... I know there is, just what is it?

I am very eager to get started with the Evolution System. I NEED this, just like everyone else who purchased it.
Setting up with Get Response is impossible as of this moment because:

I cannot complete the Auto Responder steps to get that set up because:

? I only have free email accounts: gmail, yandex, outlook, earthlink. I cannot use any of them to set up my FROM email address.
? I need to use an email address from a domain. of course you know this already I am sure.
? I do not have a credit card to purchase a domain to get an email address.

? I cannot continue, and definitely cannot even do the DFY's without the auto responder. The only thing holding me back THIS TIME (there is ALWAYS something)
is an email address?
? I have 19 email addresses, 7 that I use steadily, and I'm in a holding pattern because I don't have a 'snooty' email address?

? 1. Are there ANY solutions for me?
? 2. What can I do to get an email address that will work correctly for the auto responder?
? I dropped what I had on buying most of The Evolution System, (Everything except the Product Launch OTO)I was counting on ES to MAKE some money to afford the
paid traffic and pay my first months membership with you, and in a month or so, if all is going well, the last OTO once I get the hang of things.
? I cannot get a credit card very quickly, and not without a lot of fees. Horrible credit. I have a Cash App card, it's not a credit card. That is frustrating.
? ? I've 'borrowed' money from friends and family all last year, and part of this year already to get the products that "will definitely work this time", and each one has
something that holds me back from even being able to start using it. (see the P.S: at end of page about INSTANT Ai BIZ)
? ? Basically, I'm over-extended already with friends and family that have been expecting me to return their money.
? ? The one person I asked that I knew would let me use his CC, made me a liar to myself and said NO.
So these are not options.

3. Is there anything that I can do that is LOGICAL and not something that sounds good in theory but impossible to actually pull off?

I am not kidding when I say that I NEED this to work. It has to. There is no other option at the moment except this and then maybe i can breathe and focus on other time- consuming endeavors. But right now, this needs to get running, I have no intention of returning it, and I would much rather be doing something beneficial and constructive
with the app instead of letting it sit, untouched, waiting for a miracle to activate it.

Thank you for your swift assistance!
Have an awesome day.

TJ Henry? ???? ????

P.S. A lot of my purchases over the last year and a half are temporarily rendered useless due to Open Ai's API Keys suddenly not working on them, even when I kill one,
create a new one and try it. I think I might be shadow-banned.
? Until they get back to me, It's the only theory that I have come up with. I have nothing to base it on, really. BUT, that takes out almost every Ai app that I've gotten,
including INSTANT AI BIZ

RE: INSTANT AI BIZ - I cannot do a thing with it at the moment because it requires an Open Ai API key, and Open Ai is taking their sweet time getting back to me.
? so i have no clue what is going on. I contacted them again this morning and was told up to three days - same thing they said last time. Maybe I'm
shadow-banned from support too? lol sigh. Anyway, that sits doing nothing as I wait for Open Ai to get back to me.

4. Any solutions in case my theory is correct and I AM shadow-banned?

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