Watch Question

Cartoon images from any images

Related to: AI Unlimited
Date: 31/01/2023 22:06
User: Leonid Rodine
Is it possible to cartoon any image in your software?
For example, import any image or request it by Google it(image)?
Is it a 4K image?
What format of the image is possible?
Is it possible resizing the image and modify it?
Is it possible to divide the image into layers and change the colours of the elements and even modify them too?


Date: 31/01/2023 22:06
User: Jorge Vila
Respuesta Aprobada
Is it possible to cartoon any image in your software? - Have a look at the video I used for inpainting.
For example, import any image or request it by Google it(image)? You can import any image, yes
Is it a 4K image? Not sure, how could I know? Depending on the image...
What format of the image is possible? Usually JPG, you can resize eith Stable diffussion or
Is it possible resizing the image and modify it? Yes, it's explained in the videos
Is it possible to divide the image into layers and change the colours of the elements and even modify them too? There's no way to do that YET...
Let's see how AI improves that!
Date: 31/01/2023 19:05
User: Leonid Rodine
Is it possible PNG format?
Can you provide a link to video which you mention?
You don't know what means 4K or your software can't do the resolution of the image at such a level?
The last question was related to NFT creation(4K too). It is so important to increase your sales dramatically.

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