Watch Question

Request for Refund

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 03/09/2024 00:12
User: Melissa
Hi there,

I'm reaching out to request a refund for the LeadMagnetIQ Fast Pass Bundle based on the following reasons:

Guaranteed Traffic: I purchased LeadMagnetIQ primarily for its guaranteed traffic. However, after testing, I'm disappointed to report that I haven't seen any leads, sales, or even 50 visits. I can't justify continuing with a service that isn't delivering the expected value.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: The product was advertised with a 30-day money-back guarantee. The only way to assess its effectiveness is by using it, which I’ve done. Unfortunately, it hasn’t met my expectations.

Limited Usage: I haven’t used LeadMagnetIQ to create any pages for promotion; I’ve only used the traffic feature.

Subscription: I paid for a yearly subscription of $247 but have only used the service for just under a month.

Given these circumstances, I believe a refund is warranted. I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,


Date: 13/08/2024 07:26
User: Jorge Vila
Hi Melissa;
You have more than 300 visits ( noit 50, not sure where you are looking at. All these from 3 different sources.
Also, you're leading to a video page, not an optin page so it¡'s quite difficult to get leads that way from cold traffic that don't know you.

BTW: "Limited Usage: I haven’t used LeadMagnetIQ to create any pages for promotion; I’ve only used the traffic feature." that's not entirely accyurate, you're using the redirect option here:

I do really recommend to check stuff and change to an optin page and use the system.
I will be happy to help that traffic to convert as I personally do and other users.

If you still want to refund, please send an email to

Date: 13/08/2024 15:19
User: Melissa
Hi Jorge,

Thank you for the update. My understanding of the redirect option was that it was intended to create a link for you to provide the guaranteed traffic. The page I referred to, which is clearly showing 35 visits, is the redirect link page. My primary focus has been on the traffic feature, and I haven't used LeadMagnetIQ to create any promotional pages.

Unfortunately, the traffic source has not been transparent, making it difficult to gauge its quality and effectiveness. Additionally, I haven’t seen the 300 visits you mentioned on my end.

Regarding the video page you mentioned, it is actually a voice message from Jeff Aman. Despite his reputation as a super affiliate, the results have not met my expectations. Therefore, I would like to proceed with the refund.

Date: 03/09/2024 00:12
User: Jorge Vila
Respuesta Aprobada
Please, send an email to

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