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KDP AI Cracked

Related to: General Question
Date: 05/09/2024 07:45
User: Bruno


I am writing from Italy, my English is not fluent.
I want to buy kdp from cracked and I wanted to know if the video lessons have subtitles.

This is to better understand the steps and settings taught by you.

This is very important for me, because it would allow me to start the method and at the first earnings upsell for the Ultimate KDP Success package with this FAST PASS $ 247 package
Best regards

LeVideolezioni hanno sottotitoli?

Related to: Affiliate Commission Machine
Date: 05/09/2024 06:46
User: Bruno

Request for Refund

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 03/09/2024 00:12
User: Melissa
Hi there,

I'm reaching out to request a refund for the LeadMagnetIQ Fast Pass Bundle based on the following reasons:

Guaranteed Traffic: I purchased LeadMagnetIQ primarily for its guaranteed traffic. However, after testing, I'm disappointed to report that I haven't seen any leads, sales, or even 50 visits. I can't justify continuing with a service that isn't delivering the expected value.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: The product was advertised with a 30-day money-back guarantee. The only way to assess its effectiveness is by using it, which I’ve done. Unfortunately, it hasn’t met my expectations.

Limited Usage: I haven’t used LeadMagnetIQ to create any pages for promotion; I’ve only used the traffic feature.

Subscription: I paid for a yearly subscription of $247 but have only used the service for just under a month.

Given these circumstances, I believe a refund is warranted. I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 02/09/2024 19:37
User: Robert Lewis
im working in the optin page section. In the site viewer there is nothing but a blank page no matter which model i select all pages are blank. I am using Chrome and have also tried it in incognito and results asre the same
Please respond

Access to LeadMagnet IQ

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 02/09/2024 19:35
User: Brad
I think when I canceled my agency account you canceled the whole account. I just had no need for it but I do still want access to the front end.
I did get the 97 dollars back

Transaction ID
Purchase Date
BBC Systems, Inc.
George Katsoudas

Where is my traffic?

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 02/09/2024 19:35
User: Taposh
I upgraded your limitless traffic on 4/8/2024. But I am still not getting any traffic. But why?

Where is my traffic?

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 02/09/2024 19:35
User: Taposh
I will get the service after sending how many lakh messages to your Gmail. I have messaged this gmail many times but am not getting any reply and my link is not getting traffic

LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 2 - DFY Suite

Related to: IQ Lead Magnet
Date: 02/09/2024 19:35
User: Francisco Javier Moreno Cantu
I bougth the IQ Lead Magnet OTO2 and I have one doubt.

I think that the 20 DFY CB Offers are inside the DFY Suit section (I don't found any special section where I can access the specific OTO I bought) , but in the OTO2 salespage it says that we get ready made emails for that offer but I dont found any of them.

Where can I found them? or are the emails inside the DFY PLRs?

Here are the details of my purchase:

Purchase Details:
Product: LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 2 - DFY Suite
Price: $27.00
Payment Id: EP-4BC0S2Y00IU2N22HC
For product support contact: or

Cancel Rotator

Related to: AI Unlimited
Date: 02/09/2024 19:34
User: Constance Hall
Hi Jorge,

I hope you are well. It appears that I am paying a $19 monthly subscription for A1 Unlimited Rotator.
Please cancel this subscription with immediate effect and it would be great if you would
email me to confirm when its done. Thanks.

Kind regards

Constance Hall

REQUEST - Personal JV Access to KDP AI Cracked

Related to: General Question
Date: 02/09/2024 19:33
User: James Milo
Hey dpapa,

I’m excited to promote KDP AI Cracked to the 300+ members of my rapidly growing private Facebook group
“AI Marketing and Sales Software."

They are all KNOWN buyers of online products and digital services.

I also have a mailing list of 17,200+ subscribers.

Can you please provide me Full personal review access (NOT general JV access) so I can use my own personal
login details and showcase FE and OTOs to my members and subscribers on a couple LIVE webinars?
>> They want to see me using what I recommend to them and ask questions about the OTOs during my LIVE

Thank you!
W+ jamesmilo

PS Also sent you a connection request on LinkedIn but have yet to hear from you.

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