Attention: Marketers That Need A Tool To Make your Channel and Videos Stand Out of the Crowd

Master Youtube with the best online Tool, sharpen your accuracy and save your time
The title, the description and the metatags are the most important things to take care of when you’re uploading a new video in your channel.
Get the best through your camera or screen with the most accurate system
to empower the SEO of your videos.
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Easy to Handle, learning curve is one minute.
A must for your videos, be a SEOLover
Never forget a thing, and never miss a link
Constant updates with Youtube changes
Achieve high results, while your videos tops the rankings
Beginner Friendly – Full Tutorial included – Rinse & Repeat

Jacking Master is a massive Time Saver

Save your own titles and description sections or use our templates
You can reuse your own text sections throughout the options to use them as templates for you.

SEO ready for all your videos
As easy as copy&paste the result into your videos, never forget a thing, be always a SEOLover

All your data hosted in an online app, backups everyday
Remember not to miss a text in your description, we neither do it with your data.
Never has been so easy
Step hard in Youtube with this online
tool that will give you the power
to be in the top of the results for any search.
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Take a Look at my Organic Results
Yes, Using Jacking Master means Boosting the Results in the Search Engines
OK, but… It’s Jacking Master for everyone?
Ready for newbies
Necessary for Youtubers
If you need a tool to save you time
Affiliate Marketers
Launch Jackers
Product Launchers
JV Managers
You name it…

No Matter what niche you are in
Click For Instant Access
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Perfect for…
Travel channels
Launch Jacking
e-Commerce Tutorials
Gaming Videos
Personal Videos
Technology Blogs
You name it!

Who am I?
My name is Jorge Vila and I have been more than 20 years in the Internet Business. Started as a programmer doing plugins for well-known apps online for e-commerce, then working for enterprises as a programmer and IT guy.
I’ve been doing websites through all this years so I have great experience in installing and solving problems with customers. I have my very own site for developing websites, you can check it here.
I also have a blog with more than 2.000 paying students since 2011 where I solve problems and sell online tutorials. I have been helping developers to find it’s place on the Internet for years, most of them are now advanced developers.
Why am I offering Jacking Master at such tiny price? Just because of my experience is letting me doing this kind of work, and because I use this by myself in my day by day.
I want to help other marketers to stand out and enterprises to be online the proper way, and one of the most important things to have a good impact is having the content of your videos the proper way. Jacking Master is doing this for you.

We know what we’re talking about here, we have a long term experience with traffic and social media and site building over the last 20 years.
That is why, if you do not see results for any reason, or you are unhappy, you can get a full refund either by emailing us or through our retailer, WarriorPlus!
We’ll get you a refund of your tiny investment right away if you ask within the next 30 days from your purchase date and something of this happens
– You didn’t manage to get more views of your videos, provided you’ve published at least 10 videos in the last 30 days, having used Jacking Master the proper way.
We’ve taken on all the risk here. You get a fresh start with the perfect system to make you stand out!
Try it once, fall in love forever…
Our online App has been fully tested, but support is always ready to watch for any trouble or hear new suggestions

We know it's hard
Getting ready your camera, your mic, record, use a bunch of cables to set it all in your video editor software, cut here, cut there, put that text over there, use the recorded screen, syncronize everything…

You want to be the best
Well, your video is ready, but you’re tired, messed with all the stuff and the last thing you need is focus in one of the most important things when you publish, the title, description and metatags…

Here comes the help
With Jacking Master your only worry is to choose what elements from our templates or the ones that you created, will use in your video. Relax, write the name of your product, the link and you’re done!

We also know...
…that pretty much nobody reads the content of your description, but, this is not specially made for people, it’s developed for the Youtube Algorithm to run through all the important words that ultimately help to your video’s Youtube score

Good Title, Good results
The title is one of the most relevant, keep it short, use the emojis to attract more attention and surprise the visitors. Create your unique blocks to be different, to be special and let Youtube do the hashing work. In a hurry? use our templates.

Everything is online
You don’t have to worry about your system, installing and configuring. This app works right on main browsers and out team will work to solve any trouble that may find, moreover we’ll be adding more and more options as Youtube evolves
Why You Need
Jacking Master?
Once you have gone to the stress of the recording, we use to relax our mind and the only thing we want is to upload the video as soon as possible. Don’t let the anxiety ruin your work with a vague title and description, and, please, don’t forget the metatags!
Jacking Master is the Time Saver for all Youtubers
Relax and just choose the options for your uploading video
We're also Youtubers, we know what we're talking about

Trusted by our Beta Testers all around the world
“It’s so simple to use, that any child can get the best of this App.”

It's easy to use, and really easy to add new phrases to use for my upcoming videos. Forgot the last minutes hassle forever.
– Mike Stan

Love it, just love it!
– Mark

Once I put my best words in each phrase, publishing a video in Youtube is easier than ever.
– Bea Jhonson

Why nobody came with this 3 years ago?
Brandon Waller

Support Magic in this product
World Class Support System is linked in this product for you to make questions, solving doubts and make any comment.
Forget about sending e-mails to a “hopeyoureaditsometime” e-mail.
This is an online system and a community for Q&A ready for SEO, for solving problems and ready to ROCK!

3.500 HQ Photos for your Youtube miniature look like the best
Retail price: 39.99$

Marketing Image Pack to use in your videos or in your landing pages
Retail price: 39.99$

VideoTutorial: Find the last tendencies to be the first result in Youtube.
Value: 49.99$

VideoTutorial: Launch Jacking A-Z Guide.
Value: 49.99$

2 Million Photos MegaBundle: Free online search for your images, free to use wherever you want.